Student Testimonials

Milana Dezube
Milana Dezube
February 26, 2023
I love this school. I went to quite a few before this one but this is the only one I keep returning to for both advancing my proficiency and sheer enjoyment. I went for three weeks just before COVID, 2 weeks during covid and 2 weeks in 2022. Each time my level of spanish was matched with other students or classes were 1 to 1 with a teacher. I am retired, found Puebla safe and wonderful to walk around. Classes are structured to get you speaking but also cover grammar as well. So classes with breaks, group lunch and conversation followed by 2hours of 1to 1 conversation with a guide. Thursdays are a field trip day to localities near Puebla. This school is amazing! During the first year of COVID, 2019-2021 I took online classes with luis. I attribute getting from basic to high intermediate to him and on-line classes twice a week. We would speak, go over grammar, read. I was consistently getting more confidence speaking and understanding spanish. If you cannot get to the school the on-line classes keep you learning spanish until you can go to the school in Puebla. The best spanish immersion school.
Robert Mook
Robert Mook
February 26, 2023
I have done in person classes three times. Each 2 weeks was fabulous and matched my level in spanish. My classes have been 3 students to 1teacher, 2to 1, and 1to 1if other students were not at a similar place. Love the comida and conversation and the 2 hour 1 to 1 conversations with a guide. Puebla is lovely and I felt safe. Also scott took us once a week to different cultural centers. I also studied on-line for a year. I took the twice a week class. They got me from basic to string intermediate. On-line we would talk, read and review grammar excreciones. It was critical to keep speaking spanish for growth. If you cannot go to the school in Puebla the on-line course is wonderful.
Tshari King
Tshari King
February 23, 2023
Had a great time studying at LIVIT. Great teaching, very tailored to the needs of the class (we were only 2 and then just me!). Made great friends with fellow students and enjoyed all our trips. Highly recommended.
Katherine Clifton
Katherine Clifton
February 21, 2023
LIC is an amazing language school run by a loving, generous family full of natural teachers. I highly recommend spending a few weeks immersing yourself in their classes and excursions in the beautiful city of Puebla. Whether your a beginner or an advanced speaker, you're bound to enjoy improving your comprehension at Livit.
February 14, 2023
Ich war im Sommer 2022 für 3 Wochen im Livit Immersion Center von Scott & Maru, um mich auf meine anschließende Mexiko-Reise vorzubereiten. Ich hatte keine Vorkenntnisse in Spanisch. Um es vorweg zu nehmen: Ich empfehle die Erfahrung zu 100% und würde sie jederzeit wiederholen. 1. Es funktioniert Zuvor hatte ich nie Spanisch-Unterricht und war lediglich über meine mexikanischen und spanischen Kommilitonen aus der Uni in Kontakt mit der Sprache gekommen. Nach den 3 Wochen Unterricht, fühlte ich mich als könnte ich fließend Spanisch sprechen - spontane Gespräche im Alltag, in Restaurants, auf Parties, mit den Familien meiner mexikanischen Freunde waren problemlos möglich. 2. Die Lern-Umgebung und das Programm sind top Die Schule, welche zugleich das Privathaus von Maru & Scott ist, ist in einer ruhigen Seitenstraße im Zentrum Pueblas gelegen. Das Haus hat einen wunderschönen Garten, ist sehr sauber, angenehm temperiert und hat dedizierte Unterrichtsräume. Das Programm, zudem ihr super viele Infos auf der Webseite finden (,die tatsächlich auch stimmen), besteht zum einen aus Unterricht in kleinen Gruppen von 1-4 Personen mit einem ähnlichen Niveau und werden von super kompetenten, empathischen und erfahrenen Lehrern geführt, die auch perfektes Englisch (manchmal auch ein wenig Deutsch) sprechen und einen Ruckzuck mit Hausaufgaben, Vokabeln und Sprach-, Schreib- und Hör-Aufgaben auf Kurs bringen. Zum anderen hat jeder Kursteilnehmer einen wöchentlich wechselnden Sprach-Guide, mit dem man Puebla erkunden oder einfach etwas trinken/essen gehen kann, um Smalltalk mit "echten" Mexikanern in "echten" SItuationen zu üben und das Gerlente direkt anzuwenden. Außerdem gibt es jede Woche Ausflüge zu bestimmten Orten wie Pyramiden, Bauernmärkten etc., damit man die mexikanische Kultur aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven sieht. 3. Der Preis ist komplett angebracht Für den Preis, den man zahlt, bekommt man eine wunderschöne und sichere Lernumgebung in familiärem Ambiente & Erstklassiges Lernprogramm & Jeden Tag köstliches typisch mexikanisches Essen von Maru's Mutter Flor & Wöchentliche geführte Ausflüge mit privatem Transport & Unterstüzung von Scott und Maru, wann immer man es braucht... An dieser Stelle großes Danke an das ganze von Livit! P.S.: I know I am a bit late with this review but I promised to you to tell my fellow Germans about the great work you are doing over there, so here we are...
Paul Witty
Paul Witty
February 12, 2023
I spent two weeks at the Livit center. The school is very professional but yet has a chill atmosphere. Scott and the rest of his staff truly care about making everyone’s experience an incredible one. My teacher had 10 years of experience and used very effective teaching strategies. My class had 3 students total. In the afternoons (Monday-Wednesday). Each person is paired with a local guide and you explore the many sites Puebla has to offer. Thursday is an excursion to nearby locations. Each day and experience is tailored to maximize opportunities to practice and incorporate Spanish. The meals at lunchtime are delicious and it’s a great opportunity to get to know other students. I highly recommend this school and hope to make it back again soon. Paul
Michael Scher
Michael Scher
February 11, 2023
I cannot recommend Livit enough. I am not sure whether it is because it is a family affair and they make you feel like you are apart of the family, or because it presents the ideal opportunity to immerse yourself in Mexican culture and become fluent in Spanish at the same time. Either way, I promise that you are in the best of hands. Side note: Momma's cooking is truly sensational.
Stephen F
Stephen F
February 10, 2023
I had an amazing two week educational session here in Nov 2021. Scott, Ana and the whole team were amazing, and the intro course gave me a solid foundation to continue my Spanish language journey on.
Erin Shaw
Erin Shaw
February 7, 2023
Livit is one of many great language programs that I've attended in Mexico. All of their teachers are attentive, friendly, and helpful. However, there are a number of parts of the Livit immersion program experience that takes it above and beyond any other program I've attended. First, the included meals were always fantastic, and a great way to spend time learning about Mexican cuisine and get to know the other students in different levels. Second, the weekly excursions provided opportunities to see less-traveled parts of the surrounding area and improve knowledge of Mexico's history. Third, three days a week students are connected with a local tour guide after normal class hours have concluded. These tours provided great opportunities to practice conversational Spanish as well as get to know Puebla better. After a month at Livit, my Spanish had improved immensely. I would highly recommend the school to those serious about becoming fluent!

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